Banksy New Art Confirmed in Norfolk and Suffolk, England

Banksy New Art
Photo credit: Banksy /

On August 13, Banksy confirmed his latest artworks in Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, England, on his official Instagram page. Banksy new art was first discovered by the locals approximately on August 6, but the official confirmation was given only several days later. It has been a five-month reprieve since the elusive artist created and presented something new. Now, he calls his new series of artworks “A Great British Spraycation.” So, what is it about?

Banksy new art confirmed in Norfolk and Suffolk, England

On his official Instagram page, the anonymous artist shared a video with the locations of his new pieces in Norfolk and Suffolk to give his works more publicity. In this video, the iconic artist is driving around in his van and working on his new paintings and installations.

Unlike with his last releases, such as “Aachoo!!” and “Escaping Oscar Wilde,” Banksy decided to impress the audience and presented ten separate pieces at one time, each worth a detailed look. In his artworks, he traditionally features rats, some of his most important leitmotifs, as well as children, another popular subject for the Bristol-based mural painter.

Special attention should be paid to how he modifies existing objects and transform them into Banksy new art. The graffiti artist wrote his name and added the sign “Go Big Or Go Home” on a miniature building in the Merrivale Model Village, a theme park in Great Yarmouth. Also, he added a fake tongue and ice cream to the statue of the famous English engineer and inventor Frederick Savage located near South Gate in King’s Lynn.

Banksy New Art
Photo credit: Banksy /

Probably the most iconic work in this series would be a couple dancing to the music of a street musician sitting at a bus stop. This one is especially atmospheric.

Make sure to check Banksy new art pieces whenever you can! You will definitely love each and every one of them!