Why Is Banksy So Trendy? Decoding the Popularity of the Famous Artist

Decoding the Popularity of the Famous Artist
Photo credit: Banksy / banksy.co.uk

Banksy has deservedly earned the name of the most famous street artist of all time. His works are being sold for millions of dollars, his persona is covered with mist, and his controversial art instigates a fervent reaction on social media. Some people love him, some hate, and some do not even believe that Banksy actually exists. But what exactly makes Banksy a famous artist and a notorious worldwide superstar causing havoc in the minds of millions of people? Let’s try to decode the popularity of the ghost graffiti artist!

Decoding the popularity of the famous artist

There is no definite answer to this question. For a start, we need to ascertain the simple truth: Banksy is what people want him to be. As long as his identity is thoroughly concealed, the street artist comes across as an abstract being, a metaphysical concept powered by people’s imagination and understanding. With that in mind, we can start theorizing about the roots of his popularity.

People’s art

If you know a thing or two about Banksy murals, you do understand that the main focus of his art is on real people and society. Banksy uses recognizable images to convey the message. That is how people become emotionally attached to his art.

Satirical anti-establishmentarianism

Banksy is a rebel, a warrior, a fighter undermining the influence of some of the established norms and rules. The famous artist criticizes and satirizes the vices of the modern world through his art. Banksy simply feels unconventional against the backdrop of others.

Deliberate anonymity

Whether Banksy would be as outstanding as he is now if he were not anonymous is an interesting question. There are plenty of myths about Banksy, and yet it seems like his secrecy plays into his hands.

Overall, these are only some of the reasons making Banksy a famous artist. Of course, there are many more, but what genuinely important is not his fame but a limitless potential coming with his art.